Baby/Toddler & Parent
Enrichment Center

Visit us in
Norwell & Pembroke, MA


Holiday Fun!

Find a class: Check the listings below for details and rates. Questions: Call the center M-F, 9am - 2pm (781) 347-3189.

Rockin’ Reindeer Art & Music Class (walking- 4 years)

Fee: $36 per child with 1 caregiver


Join all the other little reindeer for singing dancing, and reindeer games.  Paint the rooftop with sparkly snow paint. Use flashlights to light up the sky like Rudolph’s red nose on Christmas Eve.  Enjoy a Christmas-themed sensory bin and mix up some reindeer food to sprinkle at home on Christmas Eve. Bubbles, a story, and playtime with friends in the Explorer Zone will wrap up this festive class!

Website by Michael Picon Digital Design