Baby/Toddler & Parent
Enrichment Center

Visit us in
Norwell & Pembroke, MA


Parent Workshops

The challenges of parenting are ever-changing, but we have you covered with our evening-scheduled parenting classes and workshops. Our parenting classes will bolster your skills on a range of topics including positive parenting, potty training, visual scheduling, and sibling harmony.

We add new parenting classes and workshops often, but if there is something specific you’d like learn about, just ask! For quick guides, synopses of workshops, and mini-articles, check out our blog.


Find a class: Check the listings below for details and rates. Questions: Call the center M-F, 9am - 2pm (781) 347-3189.

In-Person Potty Training Workshop (PEMBROKE)

Fee: $40 per couple


It’s potty time! Whether you have tried to potty train your child in the past or this is your first attempt at what can be a trying process, we will provide you with strategies and support to successfully make the transition from diapers to big kid underwear!

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. Our goal is for parents to leave this workshop feeling knowledgeable, ready and excited to teach their child to use the potty!

Topics covered

  • Review toilet training norms and evidence-based approaches
  • Discuss signs of readiness
  • Break down the process of several popular approaches step-by-step, paying attention to each child’s unique needs
  • Discuss common potty training setbacks and how to troubleshoot

Don’t see a signup button? Feel free to call the Center Monday–Friday, 9:00 – 2:00, at 781-347-3189 and we can help you find a class.

At Checkout, please click for your purchase ONLY ONCE!

In-Person Positive Parenting Workshop (PEMBROKE)

Fee: $40 per couple


Positive parenting is a great parenting tool that is simple to learn!

When it comes to behavior, life with toddlers and preschoolers can often be quite challenging!  Do you find yourself wondering how to handle difficult behaviors?  Are you wondering what behaviors are age-appropriate and which ones need disciplining? What does ‘discipline’ mean anyway? Are you wondering about ‘time-outs’, how to use them or if they are even effective? What are other discipline and limit-setting options? Our positive parenting class will answer all your questions, provide plenty of personal guidance, and give you and your partner tried-and-true tactics to use at home.

Our goal is for parents to leave this workshop feeling more knowledgeable and confident.

Don’t see a signup button? Feel free to call the Center Monday–Friday, 9:00 – 2:00, at 781-347-3189 and we can help you find a class.

At Checkout, please click for your purchase ONLY ONCE!

Website by Michael Picon Digital Design