Baby/Toddler & Parent
Enrichment Center

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Norwell & Pembroke, MA


Six Ways to Give Back with Kids

by Brindey Marine • November 20th, 2018

This holiday season of giving is the perfect time to teach your little ones about caring for others. Get involved with community service with kids using the ideas below, or come up with your own way and tell us about it in the comments!

  1. Take your child shopping for food to donate to our Over The Moon Parenting Food Drive going on now through 11/2.
  2.  If you can’t come to our food drive click on the link to Find a food bank.
  3. Buy toys for children who may not otherwise receive too many gifts under the tree. Drop unwrapped gifts for all ages in our lobby through Dec. 9 and we will deliver them to Room to Grow in time for Christmas.
  4. Visit an elderly neighbor, and bring along some cookies, artwork, or a homemade card. Friendship is a gift!
  5. Pull out all your old towels, blankets and sheets, and head to your local animal shelter. You can also bring along dog and cat food, toys, and litter. Homeless kitties and puppies can always use extra love.
  6. Round up new toiletries, baby items, and $5 gift cards to Dunkin Donuts and deliver them to your local homeless shelter.  Father Bill’s in Quincy is a great resource for our community members at risk.
  7. Children entering foster care are always in great need of essentials. DCF social workers always appreciate backpacks full of clothes, PJs, toys, books, stuffed animals, and toothbrushes for kiddos. The Coastal DCF office in Braintree is close to South Shore Plaza, and the Plymouth DCF Office is across the street from the Plymouth RMV.

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