
Baby/Toddler & Parent
Enrichment Center

Visit us in
Norwell & Pembroke, MA


In-Person Positive Parenting Workshop (PEMBROKE)

Fee: $40 per couple

Positive parenting is a great parenting tool that is simple to learn!

When it comes to behavior, life with toddlers and preschoolers can often be quite challenging!  Do you find yourself wondering how to handle difficult behaviors?  Are you wondering what behaviors are age-appropriate and which ones need disciplining? What does ‘discipline’ mean anyway? Are you wondering about ‘time-outs’, how to use them or if they are even effective? What are other discipline and limit-setting options? Our positive parenting class will answer all your questions, provide plenty of personal guidance, and give you and your partner tried-and-true tactics to use at home.

Our goal is for parents to leave this workshop feeling more knowledgeable and confident.

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