
Baby/Toddler & Parent
Enrichment Center

Visit us in
Norwell & Pembroke, MA


Breastfeeding Web App

Fee: $49


What’s included?

  • High-quality videos
  • Colorful pages with text and photos
  • Parent’s Toolbox, including a feeding/diaper log, and baby comfort techniques
  • Parent polls
  • Optional weekly emails with timely tips



  • How breastfeeding works: 3D breast anatomy and milk production animation, colostrum, breastmilk qualities, why breastfeeding is important, AAP exclusivity recommendations.
  • Getting the best start: Sharing breastfeeding plans with hospital staff, skin-to-skin contact, rooming-in, lactation consultants, pacifier recommendations.
  • Latching on: Reclined and upright positions, 3D animation comparing deep and shallow latches.
  • Breastfeeding positions: Laid-back, cross-cradle, football, side-lying, cradle hold.
  • When to feed your baby: Hunger and satiation cues, feeding patterns and guidelines, how to feed a sleepy baby, cluster feedings.
  • Getting enough milk: Signs of milk transfer, growth spurts, feeding and diaper log, stool and urine guidelines, weight gain, getting help.
  • Breast care: Normal breast fullness, hand expression and pumping, engorgement, nipple tenderness, mastitis and other warning signs.
  • Breastfeeding lifestyle: Partner support and involvement, feeding in public, self-care, substances to avoid, support groups, returning to work.


Notes: *You will receive your class ACCESS CODE within 24-48 business hours.

*You will receive your class ACCESS CODE within 24-48 business hours.
Website by Michael Picon Digital Design