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Postpartum Depression

by Melanie Venuti • January 25th, 2016

Congratulations! You have just given birth to a beautiful baby! Everyone around you is so happy and excited for you and your partner. You, however, are feeling a bit confused; you love your baby but still feel so, so sad.

You are not alone. Childbirth and new parenthood can trigger a jumble of emotions from joy to extreme fear, as well as something unexpected: depression. About 9-16% of women experience Postpartum Depression (PPD) and up to 80% of women report having some degree of Baby Blues after delivery.

Baby Blues may include symptoms of anxiety, mood swings and crying spells, and almost always resolves after the first 2-3 weeks. Some women however, experience more severe symptoms and this is characterized as Postpartum Depression.

If you experience symptoms of Baby Blues or PPD, help is available for south shore moms.

Symptoms of Baby Blues (for first 2-3 weeks)

Mood swings
Trouble sleeping
Symptoms of PPD (beyond 2 weeks)

Loss of appetite
Intense irritability or anger
Lack of joy in life (especially with baby)
Feelings of guilt or inadequacy
Difficulty bonding with baby
Thoughts of harming self or baby
Causes of postpartum depression.

Hormonal changes
Emotional factors
Lack of support from family or partner
Financial difficulties
Outside responsibilities including caring for demanding older siblings
Other risk factors:

Family history of mental illness
Previous history of depression or anxiety disorders
If you suspect you may have symptoms of PPD, contact your health care provider immediately and discuss your options. Postpartum depression is a treatable condition that most mothers overcome within a few months.

Postpartum Depression Support for South Shore Moms:

South Shore Postpartum Support Network
24/7 Parents Helping Parents Line: 1-800-632-8188
Postpartum Support Group
Post Partum Progress
Sign up for a New Moms Class with New Arrivals Educators!
Talk with your OBGYN or PCP about a referral to a mental health counselor


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