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Hot Weather Car Safety

by Brindey Marine • July 24th, 2016

Summer is here, bringing the promise of popsicles, fireworks and pretty awesome pedicure colors. It also brings the heat, turning your car into hot box in the scorching parking lot. New moms are, more often than not, overtired, distracted, and burdened with baby paraphernalia. Even the very best moms can forget a sleeping child in the backseat, and heatstroke can affect a baby within minutes. Here are a the top 7 hot weather car safety tips to prevent it.

  1. Look before you lock. Before locking up, open the back door and make sure it’s empty.
  2. Bag with baby. Make a habit to put your purse, baby bag or briefcase in the backseat when you strap your baby into their car seat. Loop your bag through the opposite seatbelt in the back to secure it in place.
  3. Use a plush placeholder. Keep a stuffed animal in the car seat, and strap it into the passenger seat up front when the baby is in the seat.
  4. Always lock the doors. Curious kids climb into anywhere they can fit – and cars have lot of fun buttons. Garage, driveway, or street parked – it doesn’t matter. Lock it up.
  5. Keep keys out of reach. Make sure those doors stay locked.
  6. Plan with childcare providers. Ask your daycare to call you if your child does not show up without prior notice.
  7. If you see something, do something. If you see a child alone in a car, call 911.

For more information, please visit For more summer safety tips with babies, see our post!

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