
Baby/Toddler & Parent
Enrichment Center

Norwell, MA &  Pembroke, MA!


Childbirth Web App

Fee: $139



What’s included? 

  • High-quality videos
  • Colorful pages with text and photos
  • Parent’s Toolbox, including a contraction timer, birth plan, and hospital bag checklist
  • Parent polls
  • Optional weekly emails with timely tips


  • Pregnancy: Fetal development, anatomy, discomforts, nutrition, warning signs, preterm labor, hazards, emotions, strength and stretching exercises, and more.
  • Labor: Pain theories, 4 P’s of labor, prelabor signs, onset of labor, stages of labor, and the importance of skin-to-skin contact.
  • Birth Stories: How the stages of labor unfold in real life, natural coping techniques, medicated pain relief, and partner support.
  • Comfort Techniques: Labor support, breathing, relaxation, massage, visualization, focal points, hydrotherapy, labor & pushing positions, back labor, and partner advice.
  • Medical Procedures: Birth plans, decision-making, induction, fetal monitoring, IVs, pain medication, augmentation, second-stage interventions, and nonmedical alternatives.
  • Cesarean Birth: Reasons for a cesarean, risks, anesthesia, 3D animation of surgery, recovery, reducing the risk for cesarean birth, breastfeeding, family-centered birth tips.
  • Newborns: Newborn hospital procedures, skin-to-skin contact, first feeding, newborn appearance, senses, behaviors, SIDS, abusive head trauma (shaken baby syndrome).
  • Postpartum: Involution, lochia, perineum care, rooming-in, baby blues, postpartum depression, healthy habits, breastfeeding, hunger signs, feeding frequency, effective latch, and getting support.


Notes: *You will receive your class ACCESS CODE within 24-48 business hours.

*You will receive your class ACCESS CODE within 24-48 business hours.
Website by Michael Picon Digital Design