Baby/Toddler & Parent
Enrichment Center

Visit us in
Norwell & Pembroke, MA


Summer Toddler Playschool Teacher (part-time),

Great Summer Hours! 8 week program.

Monday to Friday mornings, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm (3-5 days a week)

Are you interested in becoming an Over The Moon Parenting Educator? Over The Moon Parenting is seeking a part-time early education teacher for our Toddler Playschool. A high school degree at a  minimum, bachelor’s degree preferred, and EEC teacher certification a plus!

  • We are looking for a creative, flexible, confident and caring toddler teacher who communicates well with children, families and colleagues.
  • You must be reliable, professional, kind, and energetic.
  • The ideal candidate must love working with toddlers and work well in a team setting.
  • You will be working with a co-teacher.
  • You will be responsible for maintaining a safe and loving classroom environment.
  • The focus of our Toddler Playschool program is play. We believe play provides important opportunities for children to learn social interaction. While playing together, children learn to cooperate, follow the rules, develop self-control, and generally get along with other people, helping them to develop confidence and independence.
  • You’re responsible for collaborating with your co-teacher to develop and implement creative lesson plans that incorporate art, music and movement which foster curiosity in learning, exploration, social emotional confidence and self-help skills.
  • You will be responsible for meeting the needs of the children in the class and maintaining daily operations in the classroom.
  • Must be able to physically lift 35 lbs and comfortably get up and down to sit on the floor with the children.

Over The Moon is not a daycare. It is an enrichment center for young children and their families. This position is ideally for 5 mornings a week in our Toddler Playschool class.

A 3-hour, drop-off class for toddlers who attend one morning a week. (24 months to 36 months, potty training is not required).

.Typical Daily Schedule:

  • Drop Off / Free Play / Clean Up (Sensory, Fine Motor)
    (Coloring, Play-doh, Stamps, Markers, Stickers, and Crayons)
  • Circle Time (Sing Hello Song to Friends, Review the ‘Visual Schedule’ for the day & Theme)
  • Movement/Music (Gross Motor Skills) (Use instruments: Shakers and Sticks)
  • Go to the Explorer Zone (Gross Motor Skills)
  • Arts and Craft and Play (Craft to go with the Theme of the Week)
  • Circle Time/ wash hands (Weather, Colors, Shapes, ABC’s, 123’s, Story Time)
  • Snack (Nut Free – from home)
  • Sing Good-Bye Song to Friends
  • Pick Up

*This is a tentative schedule. We will change to fit the needs of each class!

  • Qualified candidates please send us a cover letter including your qualifications for the positions you are interested in along with your resume to


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