Baby/Toddler & Parent
Enrichment Center

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Norwell & Pembroke, MA


Age-Appropriate Gift Ideas

by Brindey Marine • December 6th, 2017

Over the Moon Parenting is happy to share our list of thoughtfully selected, age-appropriate gift ideas for young children (newborn through preschool years). We have provided samples of safe toys and other gifts we love that are appropriate for each range of development. Please note: although we do think highly of the toys listed, we are NOT endorsing any specific product.  We hope to have suggested gifts that will appeal to children over time, promote creative and open-ended play, and support developing skills. Please feel free to share this list with friends, grandparents, aunts, and uncles!

Newborn- 6 Months:

  • Rattles & Mouthing Toys such as Chewbeads necklaces, NogginStik Rattle Clutching Toy, Manhattan Toy Skwish and Sophie giraffe
  • Soft Blocks such as Earlyears Squeak n’ Stack Blocks
  • Books/Cards with High Contrast Color such as Black & White, Look Look! and Wee Gallery Art Cards
  • Tummy Time Helpers such as Fill n’ Fun Waterplay Mat, and Sassy Floor Mirror
  • Easy Grasp Ball such as O-Ball or Skip Hop Roll Around Toy

6-12 Months:

  • Rattles & Mouthing Toys such as Manhattan Toy Atom Teether, Green Toys My First Keys, and Baby Whoozit
  • Stacking Play such as Tobbles Neo, and Manhattan Toy Brilliant Bear Magnetic Stacker
  • First Puzzles such as Melissa & Doug Jumbo Knob Puzzles
  • Sensory Balls such as EduShape Sensory Balls
  • Puppets such as Folkmanis puppets, and Melissa & Doug Zoo Friends
  • Active Play such as a ball pit with balls, and Playhut folding tunnel
  • Creative Play such as Wee Can Too fruit and veggie paint with roll of paper

1-2 Years:

  • Cause & Effect Toys such as Early Melodies Pound and Tap Bench, Minispinny Clutching Toy, and Push and Go Inchworm
  • Stacking Toys such as Plan Toys Sensory Blocks, Green Toys Block Set and all those mentioned above
  • Chunky Puzzles and Shape Sorters such as Djeco Felt and Wood Puzzles, Green Toys My First Shape Sorter, and Melissa & Doug Take-Along Shape Sorter
  • Musical Instruments such as Hohner instruments
  • First Dramatic Play such as a Baby Stella and Kidoozie Snug, and Hug Baby Doll
  • Active Play such as Radio Flyer Classic Walking Wagon, and pull toys
  • Early Creative Play such as Crayola Pip-Squeaks Markers, and large crayons with a roll of paper

2 & 3  Years:

  • Dramatic/Open-Ended Play such as a train table, play kitchen and accessories, road/town rug with vehicles, doctor kit, baby dolls, farm and zoo animals, dinosaurs, Melissa & Doug Dress-up
  • Building Toys such as Magna-Tiles, Wooden Unit Block Set, Smart Max, Lego Duplo Blocks
  • Puzzles such as Melissa & Doug Beginner Pattern Blocks, Djeco Puzzle Duos, Melissa & Doug Chunky Jigsaw Puzzles, and Giant Floor Puzzles
  • Creative Play such as an easel and chubby paint brushes with non-toxic washable paints and smock, stickers, Do-a-dot Markers
  • Indoor Active Play such as Ball Pit with Balls, small round trampoline with handle, and Rody Horse

Happy shopping! If you are looking for more great ideas on early learning, play and child development, check out one of our child development classes!

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